Image. A drawing of an open letter laid on a closed envelope. The letter has an illustration of some flowers.

Autumn 5 - Apples

Posted by Brian Tyrrell on

Rain smacks weakly against your windows. A tapping at your clinic's front door reveals a familiar damp robin. "In case you hadn't noticed, there's going to be a lot of heavy showers this next week" he chirps. "So long as you keep moving, you'll stay warm ahead of it. Makes your joints chafe something awful, though..."

After trading a soothing ointment for this weeks letters, you return to the dry warmth of your workspace. Amongst the various requests and updates from your guildmate, there's a paw painted advert on a slip of bark: "Orchards in season! Come pick as many as you can carry for a trinket, bring a barrel for three! Perfect for pieces, preserves and dried slices. Fill your winter stores today!" The address directs you to a farm between a nearby meadow and forest.

Reagent: Apples

BR 10. Forest (C), Meadow (C), Bog (R), Mountain (R) | Autumn (C), Winter (R).

Small, crisp, tart and juicy; the wild orchards of the Bristley Woods hide these red-green gems amongst their autumnal leaves.

Fruit, Weight ⅔ - CHEWED for SWEET 1, or COOKED for SWEET 2. 

Seeds, Weight ⅓ - GROUND for STOMACH 2 and FOUL 1, or BREWED for FOUL 4.

Special Event - Orchard.

Bring 5 Apple Seeds to a Clinic; during your next Downtime you can try to plant an Orchard. You spend your downtime tending young sprouting apple trees. After one year has passed, draw a card.

  • If its value is Even, the orchard has survived to bear fruit; Apple's region is always Common in this location.
  • If its value is Odd, the orchard failed to grow; you can cut the dead saplings down for 10 trinkets worth of pliable wood.
Apawthecaria Reagent

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